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Drugs are objects or substances that can be used to treat diseases , freeing symptom , or modify a chemical process in the body .
The drug is a substance or a combination of materials intended for use in establishing the diagnosis , prevent , reduce , eliminate , cure disease or symptoms of disease , injury , or physical and mental disorders in humans or animals and to adorn or beautify the body or parts of the human body including traditional medicine .

Pill Nexium 40 mg esomeprazole magnesium containing substance
Contents [ hide ]
1 Distribution of legal
2 Classification
3 See also
4 External links
Legal distribution [edit | edit source ]

In the United States , a medical professional can obtain the drug from the pharmaceutical company or pharmacy ( who buy drugs from pharmaceutical companies ) . Pharmacy can also provide drugs directly to patients when the drug can be safely used alone , or authorized by prescription written by a doctor .
Most drugs are expensive to buy when the patient was first marketed , but health insurance can be used to offset the cost . When a patent for a drug expires , a generic drug is made and distributed by rival companies that cause low prices . Drugs that do not require prescriptions from medical professionals known as OTC (English : Over the Counter , which means at the cash register ) can be sold at a regular store .
In Indonesia , more expensive drugs because of the marketing costs incurred by pharmaceutical companies , mainly for ethical drugs . Although legally this type of drug promotion is not allowed , but in practice , many of the costs are absorbed by the medical personnel themselves .
OTC ( Over The Counter ) is a drug that can be purchased without a prescription commonly referred to as OTC drugs consisting of drug -free and drug -free is limited .
drug -free
It is a sign that the drug "safe " . Free drug , a drug that can be purchased at pharmacies , even in the stall , without a prescription , is marked with a green circle striped black edges . This counter drugs used to treat the symptoms of mild disease . For example : vitamin / multi- vitamin ( B Livron Plex , )
Limited free drug
Unlimited free drugs ( used to be called the list W ) . the drugs in a certain amount can still be purchased at pharmacies , without a prescription , wearing a blue circle marks the edge of the black stripes . For example , a hangover ( Antimo ) , anti- flu ( Noza ) . On the packaging the drug is usually listed as a warning that the small box marked dark color based or white box black striped edges , with the following inscription :
P.No. 1 : Watch out ! Hard drugs . Please read the rules of use.
P.No. 2 : Watch out ! Hard drugs . Just to the outside of the body .
P.No. 3 : Look out! Hard drugs . Not to be taken .
P.No. 4 : Beware ! Hard drugs . Just to be burned .
P.No. 5 : Beware ! Hard drugs . Drug hemorrhoids , do not swallow .
Indeed , in the circumstances and certain limits ; mild pain is still justified to treat yourself , which of course is also a drug that is used drug classes are free and unlimited free society is easily obtained . However, if the condition is getting serious disease should consult a doctor . It is advisable not to once - many times the drug test itself against drugs - drugs that should be obtained by using a doctor's prescription .
When using drugs easily obtained without the use of prescription or OTC known as the Group and Group Counter Limited , in addition to believing that the drug has had an outstanding permit with the inclusion of the registration number of the Agency for Food and Drug Administration or the Ministry of Health , there are the things that need to be considered , including : drug condition is still good or sudak damaged , note the expiry date ( expiry ) medication , read and follow the information or the information contained on the drug packaging or brochure / leaflet that accompanies the drug that contains Indication ( an indication of drug use in the treatment ) , contra - indications ( ie drug usage instructions are not allowed ) , side effects ( ie effects that arise , which is not the desired effect ) , dose of the drug ( drug dose ) , the way the drug storage , and information about drug interactions with other drugs that are used and the food eaten .
Classification [edit | edit source ]

Drugs can be classified in many ways , on the basis of mechanism of action , effects , and status ( legal or illegal ) .
Analgesic pain killers
Non - NSAID antipyretic
Acetaminophen ( also known as paracetamol , over the top Tilenol trade name ) , which can cause liver problems when used chronically
Aspirin or ASA ( acetylsalicylic acid ) , which is also antipyretic
Ibuprofen ( also known by the trade names : Advil , Motrin , Nuprin and Brufen )
Opioids , narcotic pain killers strong and addictive is also used as a recreational drug because euphoric effects .
Synthetic and semi - synthetic opioids
Recreational drugs are commonly used to alter the emotional or bodily functions for recreation
Hallucinogens (including LSD , Magic mushrooms and Dissociative drug )
Entheogenic to make sense of the mystical or shamanistic
Magic mushrooms
Amanita muscaria
Salvia divinorum
Performance enhancement drugs ( for sports or war ) .
anabolic steroids
Lifestyle drugs used to enhance the quality of life
Psychiatric drugs
Typical antipsychotic tranquilizers
Atypical antipsychotic tranquilizers
Diarrhea medication used to treat diarrheal diseases
Natural herbal medicine for diarrhea [ [ 1 ] ]
See also [edit | edit source ]

drug addiction
drug abuse
Rules of drugs in the Netherlands
Illegal drug trade
Use of recreational drugs
Traditional Chinese Medicines
External links [edit | edit source ]
        Obat Panu kimia ada di apotik         
Legal , Halal Without Side Effects
Home »Share And Care » Drug Panu
drug Panu
Thursday, August 29th 2013. | Share And Care
Panu is a disease that may not be lethal , but it can be deadly prestige . It is in my nature to possess the phlegm in the left thigh and right , as well as in the legs . Panu can grow other parts of the body such as the back , arms , neck and even face . Panu grow because we rarely applicable slob like bathing . Experience tinea versicolor medicine tablets and ointments that I bought in pharmacies proved efficacious , hopefully you are experiencing the same thing with me to find a cure tinea versicolor which is efficacious , although important chemical drugs recovered quickly .

Panu chemical drugs in pharmacies tablets and ointment
His name Zoralin ( no smell but scented ) and Mycoral , obtained with a budget of less than Rp.20rb in pharmacy near my house . After eating way konsumi consumption Mycoral 1 tablet , new as the evening before going to bed apply Zoralin on the growing phlegm . Medicinal chemistry panu Mycoral tablets and ointments , Zoralin proven effective . I Mycoral 1tablet consumption and topical 1x Zoralin not itch and tinea versicolor has been recovered. Hopefully my experience pour on this article phlegm drugs may be useful for you . As well as hopefully I do'akan phlegm diseases that you have suffered a speedy recovery . Soon you try Drug Panu Tablets and Ointments There in the Pharmacies I ask if you recover the contents from the comments below .


nb : the combination of drugs that I wrote just personal experience alone for more accurate information please contact your doctor .

tags: how to remove phlegm , panuan and medicine
For Drug Related Panu

Arrhythmia Heart Disease Causes And Symptoms
After I wrote the previous phlegm drug I've ever tried and I get at the pharmacy , now I will discuss
Know Classification of Drugs
            Tips on Preventing and Treating Typhoid In Natural Way Posted by dr.Gaul on Sunday , August 25 , 2013 DokterGaul.Net - Tips on Preventing and Treating Typhoid In Natural Way - Typhus is a disease caused by a bacterial infection characterized by diarrhea , systemic disease , and a rash where the bacteria are commonly referred to as Salmonella ( S. typhi ) . The typhoid -causing bacteria can be spread through contaminated food , drink or water . If someone is taking something that is already contaminated S.typhi bacteria , the bacteria will get into the intestines , and then into the blood stream , where at the time it happens the bacteria travel to the lymph nodes , gall bladder , spleen , liver and body parts other . S.typhi spread of bacteria can be caused by other people around you . Bacteria S.typhi will always issue a litter for years and spread typhus vectors . Due to typhoid fever is very common in developing countries , and in most developed countries are brought from abroad . Typhus Disease Prevention and Medication | Source images : For the treatment of typhoid is somewhat tricky . The trouble we needed patience and patience in the healing period . Simply put , the treatment of typhoid This can be done by giving antibiotics alone , typhus can be cured . Typhus is a disease that is a long period of healing . We all know that drugs are administered by the extremely powerful medical . But it would be better and healthier if we prevent and treat typhoid with natural medicines made ​​from plants . The following medicinal plants of plants that you can make a drug or prevention of typhoid symptoms and how to make it . 1 . Stew mixture Turmeric , Sambiloto , and Centella asiatica leaves turmeric Wash thoroughly thumb then thinly sliced ​​Wash sheets and as many as 20 gotu kola bitter leaf to clean as many as 11 sheets of sliced ​​boiled with turmeric was bitter leaf and kola with 4 cups of water until the water shrink the remaining 3 cups Remove and let cool then filtered Drink three times a day as much as 2/3 cup hot typhoid decreased to 2 . Water Wash Wild Ginger ginger ripang adult thumb to clean Boil in a glass of water to shrink to 2/3 cup. Drink a glass per day for two months . These two months in anticipation of a recurrence of typhoid fever and in order to ensure full recovery 3 . Water Juice of Sapodilla Young ( Young Sapodilla Fruit Extract ) Wash to clean 3 sapodilla fruit young and the young brown dry Parutlah Squeeze Drink water and take the water the young sapodilla fruit juice once a day Perform such treatment for 2 days for the kids , and 3 days for adults 4 . Pecan Tree Roots Stew Water Wash thoroughly 8 pieces of pecan root of the index finger with a hazelnut Boil 500ml water until the ingredients into 250ml menusut then chill Once cool , add the stew into the bottle along with the roots that remain submerged in the cooking water Drinking potions 3 times a day , so drink up as much as 20ml of hot declining

Source article:
Copyright by DokterGaul.Net
                        Tumor drug

Jelly Gamat Gold G is 100 % Potent Tumor Drug
Tumor drug with Jelly Gamat gold g proven effective in treating a variety of diseases especially tumor diseases through to completion and do not cause efeksamping
Tumor cells is the wild that are in the body and continue to grow at a fixed location or spread to other parts of the body . As a result of this enlargement will appear lump on certain body parts . The emergence of a bump , either accompanied by pain or not should be wary as a tumor . If not properly treated tumor cells may become cancerous . In contrast to tumors that do not thrive , in cancer cells would continue to divide rapidly and uncontrollably . Because of this nature , cancer cells are very easily spread to several parts of the body . Cancer cells will continue to grow to infiltrate the surrounding tissue , and then make a distribution to more distant places through blood vessels and lymph vessels . Cancer cells that have spread to many places very difficult to treat . In fact , medically quite slim hope of recovery .

Causes Tumors
DNA mutations accumulate in cells that are the main factors causing the tumor . Actually, human cells have DNA repair mechanisms [ DNA repair ) and other mechanisms that cause cell damage itself by apoptosis if DNA damage was too severe . Apoptosis is an active process of cell death characterized by chromosomal DNA cleavage , chromatin condensation and fragmentation of nuclei , and the cell itself . Here are some things that can be a trigger causes tumors

Cigarettes containing nicotine dependence and other addictive substances .
Consume alcoholic beverages
Unhealthy lifestyle
Obesity ( overweight )
Benzene and other chemicals in the environment , so the poison is absorbed by the blood throughout the body tissues .
Beam solar radiation that is not capable of being held by the network to penetrate into the skin and make the skin characteristics change
genetic problems
due to radiation
Tumor symptoms to look out for :
The emergence of a growing bump and enlarged on certain body parts
Thickening of tissue .
Bleeding or discharge of liquid from the body .
Regular menstrual pain and prolonged in women
Sick or old wounds that do not heal .
Losing weight quickly
Tumor Drug Jelly Gamat Gold G Can Cure Diseases Tumor Until Completed
Jelly Gamat Gold G - Tumor Drugs are becoming made ​​from natural ingredients that is of marine animals such as sea cucumber extract gamat that contains a lot of nutrients, docosahexanat acids ( DHA ) . DHA intake of fatty acids in sperm , brain , and retina of the eye - can lower high blood triglycerides that can cause tumor disease .

Tumor drug
That is evidenced by prof. Zaiton Hassan , a researcher from the Department of Food Science University Putra Malaysia . With M. A Kaswandi of University Kebangsaan Malaysia examined the fatty acid content of sea cucumber Stichopus chloronotus .

The result : a relatively high content of DHA of sea cucumbers is 3.69 % , and according to Prof. Hashim Ridzwan researchers from University Kebangsaan Malaysia In 1995 , he examined the efficacy of sea cucumber Holothuria atra , H. scabra , and Bohadshia argus , which can kill the bacteria Streptococcus faecalis , cause inflammation of the inner lining of the body or tumor . And more importantly these gamat jelly contains cell growth factor that can regenerate cells back and also can recover the cells in the body that have been damaged even cells that had been rotting will recover as usual . So it is very well suited if gamat jelly - g gold is in use as medicine for tumors .

For tumor disease , the ability of sea cucumber extract is no doubt . There have been many people who have felt and prove the efficacy of the drug Tumor Gold - G .

The effectiveness of the efficacy of the Gold - G as a tumor drugs is due to its content of collagen and protein high . Ssebagaimana known , Kolasgen have the ability to help reduce the lump lump in the body / tumor , helps heal wounds and protein is very good for digestive problems .

Listen Silakakan Testimonials From People Who Have Tried Tumor Drug - Natural Jelly Gamat Gold G Here It :
Name : Ernawati , S.Pd
Age : 38 years
Complaints : Tumors of the ovary , cysts , and polyps in the cervical
Period: 4 months

Beginning in March 2007 , the results showed that my doctor diagnosed a tumor on the ovary , cysts and polyps on cervical swabs ( inflametory endocervic ) . Previously I have symptoms of vaginal discharge ± 9 months . For ± 4 months , I in the treatment of cancer specialists . It turns out that there is no significant change . Then I was offered by a friend who is also a doctor to consume Gold - G .

Finally, with perseverance and faith within 1 month already showing progress . Then I decided to take the Gold - G with regular till now . Thank God I 've passed the critical period and my health now as before ( cured ) . However, for maximum results can I keep taking the Gold - G . Besides, to prove the existence of fixed tumor I also checked and the results are good .

Of sharing these facts , Jelly Gamat Gold - G is the choice of the most appropriate tumor Drugs and worth to try. Safe to eat and not addictive . BPOM has been registered in RI with registration number : ML 23,401,001,307 . Proven to effectively treat naturally without efeksamping .
Posted on June 18 , 2013 by linauchuldh
Traditional Antacid

Antacid Traditional - Welcome to the official website and reliable traditional medicine MultiKhasiat Jelly Gamat Gold G.

Have you ever felt the pain in the stomach to make your activity disrupted ? This disease usually strikes suddenly and lasts a short , but there are times also part of serious health ailments and lasted long enough . Many people who consider this disease is a disease that is quite mild and do not need to worry about . For patients who have severe , the disease is very dangerous and can cause death .


Gastritis or gastroenteritis is a disease that attacks the stomach symptoms occur due to injury or inflammation of the stomach that causes pain , heartburn , and abdominal tenderness . The reason could be because people do not eat on a regular basis , there are harmful microorganisms , taking certain medications , or other causes such as alcohol , irregular sleep patterns and stress . Gastritis may also occur if the patient is late for a meal, then while eating the meal with a serving of ulcer patients too much .

Symptoms of ulcer disease

 Pain in the abdomen and stomach feels like burning
Stomach feels bloated and always kept burping .
Feel nauseous and want to vomit
Lack of appetite
always hiccups
Healing ulcer disease can be done by neutralizing stomach acid , reducing the production of stomach acid . For those of you who suffer from heartburn , now you are in the right place . Because here you will get the solution . Jelly Gamat Gold G is the best traditional ulcer drug that has been proven to be effective and safe for consumption without any side effects .

Jelly Gamat Gold G , Traditional Antacid Present Best Choice

Jelly Gamat Gold G the best choice to help heal the ulcer disease . Jelly Gamat Gold G made ​​of sea cucumber extract gold from Stichopus variegatus Goldeen species which is the best species that live on the ocean floor . Processed with high technology through the supervision of experts in their field . Resulting in high-quality natural products .

The benefits of collagen to the traditional ulcer drug Jelly Jamat Gold G give comfort effect in the stomach , relieve stomach complaints on the wound and increase the body's immunity . Also kandunga cell growth factor ( CGF ) , the CGF is what is responsible for stimulating the regeneration or rejuvenation of cells and acts to accelerate wound healing in the stomach .

Additionally Jamat Gold G Jelly rich in protein , so it can help people with ulcers to obtain nutrient intake . Because sometimes chronic ulcer patients is difficult to swallow food , so the body needs nutrients for ulcer patients lacking

Many patients with ulcer disease is feeling better and even free of ulcer disease with Traditional Antacid Jelly Gamat Gold G.

Antacid properties Testimonial Traditional Gamat Jelly Golg G

N a m a: Drs . Tjahyono Budi , MS .
U m u r : 41 years
Address : Madison
Complaints : Problems Stomach Bloating
Product Type : Gold - G

I suffer from heartburn about 3 years , when late to eat a few hours, my ulcer relapse and immediately my stomach so bloated with extreme tenderness . One time I was introduced to the product GNE Gold - G by Ms. Syamsiah , then I try to drink at least 3 weekly , the results of my stomach is not bloated anymore and the pain has been much reduced . Now let me eat a few hours late , my stomach did not relapse again .

N a m a: Corina
U m u r : 33 years
Address : Telok Betong
Complaints : Ulcer
Product Type : Gold - G

On Friday , July 1, 2005 when I was meeting at the office , I got rations for lunch . Friday I had diarrhea midnight until morning + 5 times diarrhea . Saturday morning my doctor . Because of persistent diarrhea I do not dare to eat , only eat 2 slices of bread so that my heartburn . On Sunday , I eat one type of ulcer drugs but without vomiting. On Monday I drank other types of ulcer medication , but still sick . Until Thursday still nauseous but I forced to enter the office because work has been piling up . Friday morning at the office , I felt really nauseous and I was going home about 10 am . I got home , I immediately had lunch . After lunch I drank Gold - G as much as 3 tablespoons . After dinner I drink again as much as 1 tablespoon Saturday morning and I also drink another 1 tablespoon . After that I did not feel nauseous again until now . Gold - G is moooiii ............

The testimony of the above is clear evidence of the efficacy of Jelly Gamat Gold G. you can directly try Antacid Traditional Jelly Gamat Gold G -assured powerful , reliable , quality assured and without side effects .